Aravind Krishnan
Hello! My name is Aravind, and I am a third-year in the Life Sciences & Management program. My research interests are centered around genetics, DNA damage, genome integrity, and molecular biology, but in general I am interested in elucidating mechanisms behind diseases to enable their early detection and prevention. Currently, I am focused on the ALT process in cancer cells, a new method of telomere extension that some cells use but whose mechanism is not fully known. By determining this mechanism, the gateway could be opened to future therapeutic targets for cancer cells that exhibit resistance to traditional chemotherapeutics like telomerase inhibitors.
BA in Molecular & Cell Biology, BS in Economics (Concentrations in Healthcare Management & Policy and Statistics), 2025
College of Arts & Sciences
The BLM helicase enables Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres to allow cancer cells to achieve telomerase-independent cellular immortality
A subpopulation of lipogenic brown adipocytes drives thermogenic memory