Clinical Effort Against Secondhand Smoke (eCEASE)
eCEASE aims to protect children from secondhand smoke exposure and tobacco use by using the iEHR platform to screen parents and then refer parents to smoking cessation resources and treatment.
The eCEASE study (Clinical Effort Against Secondhand Smoke) started over a year ago in 2021 and recruited 817 total participants. It was based on a randomized trial with two arms from 12 sites:
- Intervention (6 sites): sites where participants were offered nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and access to national smoking cessation resources (Quitline and SmokeFreeTXT).
- Control (6 sites): sites where participants were not provided with any smoking cessation resources. Albeit these resources will be given to them after the data collection phase is over.
Currently, one-year follow-up surveys are being completed by the parents to see whether these referrals being present at pediatric sites resulted in parents quitting smoking or not.
Throughout the summer, we utilized multiple ways to reach parents for their one-year follow-up survey results. We first attempted to reach them by having automatic survey links sent via text, made phone calls, and visited pediatric clinic sites in the Philadelphia area if their child had an appointment. We then organized the data in REDCap and worked to maintain and achieve an 80% survey completion goal. Additionally, we biologically tested for cotinine levels in parents who indicated quitting smoking (no smoking in the last 7 days), and CO levels in parents who indicated quitting combustible tobacco use but continued to use e-cigarettes. This was done both in-person as well as remotely.