Communication: Mechanics of Conversation
Research conducted at the Schweitzer Lab between May and August 2023 on various mechanics of communication, ranging from humor to gossip. Michael found and compiled case studies of humor applications in government campaigns (Australia's "Dumb Ways to Die" safety PSAs), advertising (Ben and Jerry's baked Alaska dessert sent to Congress in protest of Alaskan oil drilling), and management (Southwest Airlines). Evelyn's research included developing and creating supplementary materials for studies studying humor's effects on dating (ex. via jokes in Tinder bios) and in professional settings (ex. via cold emails to finance analysts and research lab PIs). She was also responsible for coding 8000 Enron emails for advice and gossip that would then be fed to a machine learning program to categorize hundreds of thousands of other released Enron emails, whose data could then be analyzed for a study on the effect of advice and gossip interactions at the workplace. Finally, Evelyn worked on the references for Professor Gus Cooney's Conversation chapter in the upcoming Handbook of Social Psychology.