Fall Research Expo 2023

Community Engagement Neuroscience

A previous study has found that repeated contact with different social economic groups is associated with an improved social perception of that group. This present study aim to examine if the increase in contact would influence their language choices. Specifically, focusing on the interaction between Penn students and local high school students in an ABCS course, called Everyday Neuroscience. Audio recording that were collected throughout a semester underwent a linguist analysis using both the application Transcribe and Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count Software. The main goal was to observe if the high school students benefited from this course as there is already data on Penn Students benefiting. After deriving data from LIWC the focus of the project was to then compare the Score from the beginning of the semester to then end of the semester to determine if there was a positive shift in each groups perception. 

PURM - Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program
College of Arts & Sciences 2025
Advised By
Loretta M. Flanagan-Cato
PURM - Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program
College of Arts & Sciences 2025
Advised By
Loretta M. Flanagan-Cato
