Fall Research Expo 2023

Developing a Simulation for Re-Programmable Magnetically Self-Folding Origami Structures

Self-folding structures have immense potential in many forms of cutting-edge scientific developments. From space travel to biotechnology, the ability to place a small, unassembled structure in a desired location and fold it has huge potential applications in many fields. While other methods of self-folding, for example, through heat can work, those methods are inflexible and don’t allow for reconfigurable structures. Continuing on a development out of UPenn’s Sung Lab, this project aims to develop a simulation of a new, magnetically actuated form of self-folding structures that we’ve dubbed programmable matter.

PURM - Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program
Engineering & Applied Sciences 2026
Advised By
Cynthia Sung
Gabel Family Term Assistant Professor, MEAM; Secondary faculty, CIS & ESE
PURM - Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program
Engineering & Applied Sciences 2026
Advised By
Cynthia Sung
Gabel Family Term Assistant Professor, MEAM; Secondary faculty, CIS & ESE
