The MOVE Activist Archive
The MOVE Activist Archive is a community archiving project dedicated to preserving and promoting the legacy of Black activism and radical resistance in Philadelphia, with the history of the MOVE Organization and their revolutionary struggle against state repression as a focal point. Led by prominent Philadelphia community activists Professor Krystal Strong and MOVE member Mike Africa Jr., the project sets out to redefine the historical narrative of the MOVE Organization based on archival materials preserved by the organization. The project’s work this summer focused on processing and describing archival materials from the MOVE Organization (such as newspaper articles, cassettes and VHS tapes, etc) in collaboration with Philadelphia's Archives for Black Lives team, as well as creating a virtual Black Resistance Tour of Philadelphia. The Black Resistance Tour is a virtual platform currently being created to showcase sites of Black resistance and protest across the city of Philadelphia. Move Activist Archive interns were tasked with writing detailed descriptions of each location on the Black Resistance tour and contributing to the production of video content. These descriptions will be made available online, alongside a video tour with MOVE member and activist Mike Africa Jr. This platform will soon be available to the public as an accessible resource and archive of the long history of Black resistance in Philadelphia.