Fall Research Expo 2024

Quantifying Common Sense: A Framework for Individual and Collective Assessment​ ​

Understanding common sense is necessary for both social science and AI, yet it remains poorly defined and elusive among humans. Expanding upon the framework proposed by Mark Whiting and Duncan Watts, the project aims to quantify common sense at both individual and collective levels, testing its variability across different demographic groups and languages by leveraging computational methods, incorporating multilingual support for the main platform and statements, and implementing new user interaction features like changing user answers. Our motivation was two-fold: first, to extend the reach of the original framework to a global audience by supporting multiple languages; second, to enhance user interactivity and track the evolution of individual and collective responses over time. These efforts aim to facilitate better research insights by capturing data from non-WEIRD populations, extending its applications in diverse, global contexts.

PURM - Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program
Engineering & Applied Sciences 2026
Advised By
Duncan Watts
Stevens University Professor and Director at CSSLab
Mark Whiting
Senior Computational Social Scientist at CSSLab
PURM - Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program
Engineering & Applied Sciences 2026
Advised By
Duncan Watts
Stevens University Professor and Director at CSSLab
Mark Whiting
Senior Computational Social Scientist at CSSLab
