2023 Spring Poster Symposium

Relationship-Building in Philadelphia’s Communication Infrastructure: Integrating Youth Participatory Action Research with Community-Based Organizations and Local Media Groups

My senior honors thesis at the Annenberg School for Communication sought to integrate the Netter Center’s mental health youth participatory action research (YPAR) program into Philadelphia’s communication infrastructure by exploring potential relationships with local media groups and community-based organizations (CBOs). The study consisted of eight in-depth, semi-structured interviews with youth participants in the Netter Center’s mental health YPAR program, representatives from youth mental health CBOs, and journalists from local media groups reporting on youth mental health. Then, a thematic content analysis was conducted using NVivo, a qualitative data analysis software. The project identified facilitators and barriers within Philadelphia's communication infrastructure that influence the Netter Center's mental health YPAR program in connecting with CBOs and local media groups. The project also described wise practices to support sustainable relationships between these three groups.

College Alumni Society Undergraduate Research Grant
College of Arts & Sciences 2023
Advised By
Andy Tan
Associate Professor of Communication
Kimberly Woolf
Lecturer, Academic Advisor, and Research Director
College Alumni Society Undergraduate Research Grant
College of Arts & Sciences 2023
Advised By
Andy Tan
Associate Professor of Communication
Kimberly Woolf
Lecturer, Academic Advisor, and Research Director
