Fall Research Expo 2023

Theory and Research in Positive Psychology

The projects presented look at the role of agency and restoration on the human experience. Exploration included looking at the varying theory that exists about agency and free will, energy, and the role of rest and restoration to how we can experimentally approach the study of these incredibly abstract strands of thought.

PURM - Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program
College of Arts & Sciences, Education 2025
Advised By
Noah Love
Research Coordinator at the Positive Psychology Center
Martin Seligman
Zellerbach Family Professor of Psychology, Director of the Positive Psychology Center
PURM - Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program
College of Arts & Sciences, Education 2025
Advised By
Noah Love
Research Coordinator at the Positive Psychology Center
Martin Seligman
Zellerbach Family Professor of Psychology, Director of the Positive Psychology Center
