Fall Research Expo 2020

Underdog Narratives in the Workplace

Over the course of the summer, I contributed to various studies focusing on alternate choices and underdogs in the workplace, the effects of prior discrimination on future performance, and the international impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people’s job search. With such a varied project scope, I found it particularly interesting that Professor Nurmohamed’s research truly seemed to center around the theme of the “flipside,” that is, the unconventional result of hardships, low expectations, or other workplace obstacles that individuals overcome.

This poster focuses primarily on the Underdog Narratives and Discrimination study that I worked on for the majority of the summer. The purpose of this project was to further prove effects of discrimination on individuals that had already been observed in prior studies. For this project, the data was collected through surveys that were built using Qualtrics and later launched on mTurk or Prolific. However, given the current circumstances created by COVID-19, including an overall increase in anxiety and negative feelings, as well as high unemployment and greater usage of the mTurk platform by new participants and/or bots, there were a multitude of potential confounding factors. The team attempted to control for these across study versions, but still found it difficult to produce results that were comparable to the original study. As a result, the project is still ongoing. 

Although the studies have not been completed, this research serves to demonstrate the importance of studying the “flipside” effects of seemingly negative phenomena on how feelings such as motivation, discrimination, and inequality play out in the workplace.

PURM - Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program
Wharton 2023
Advised By
Samir Nurmohamed
Assistant Professor of Management
Join Ariana for a virtual discussion
PURM - Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program
Wharton 2023
Advised By
Samir Nurmohamed
Assistant Professor of Management


How did the inconsistent correlations across the research (in its entirety) effect your conclusion? It seemed like your research during COVID yielded different results that may not have been as closely related to the original research as anticipated which makes sense.

I found your research to be incredibly fascinating. Racism and discrimination in job searches is very apparent and the pandemic has definitely exacerbated this dilemma. What future research would you be interested in conducting?

Hi Ariana!

I really enjoyed your presentation and found the research really interesting. I was curious about the use of “Droodles" as an activity in the alternate choice study. Why is this specific activity used? Is it recommended in the literature? Does it specifically elucidate biases?

Thanks for the great read!