Fall Research Expo 2023

Usability of a Remote App-Based Assessment of Cognition ​ to Analyze the Effects of Parkinson's Medication ​ ​

The burgeoning population of older adults in the United States underscores the pressing need for accessible and reliable cognitive assessment tools across the lifespan. The proliferation of mobile devices provides an unprecedented avenue for extending cognitive measurement beyond traditional clinical settings. Leveraging this potential, we present an innovative project conducted within the Penn Memory Center aimed at developing and piloting a mobile app for remote cognitive assessment. This app holds promise to surmount existing limitations in cognitive evaluation practices and facilitate the rapid acquisition of extensive cognitive data.

The study revolves around a longitudinal cohort of older adults, encompassing individuals both with and without cognitive impairment. Spearheaded by an interdisciplinary team, including experts in neuropsychology and clinical psychology, the project's core objectives encompass app development, user feedback collection, and comprehensive data analysis. The integration of cutting-edge technology with cognitive assessment aligns with the evolving landscape of healthcare, catering to the needs of diverse age groups through mobile platforms.

Central to this endeavor is the utilization of the app to investigate the influence of Parkinson's medication on cognitive function. Focusing on a single Parkinson's patient, I embarked on a meticulous analysis of cognitive performance during both on- and off-medication states. This exploration entailed the assessment of usability, efficiency, and reliability of the app-based approach, culminating in valuable insights into the effects of medication on cognitive domains.

This research probes the viability of app-based cognitive evaluation, ushering in a new era of personalized cognitive assessment and medication management. In addition, it showcases the potential for remote assessment to transcend the confines of the laboratory, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of cognitive dynamics in real-world contexts.


PURM - Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program
College of Arts & Sciences 2026
Advised By
Dawn Mechanic-Hamilton
Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurology and director of Cognitive Fitness Programs and Neuropsychological Services at the Penn Memory Center
PURM - Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program
College of Arts & Sciences 2026
Advised By
Dawn Mechanic-Hamilton
Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurology and director of Cognitive Fitness Programs and Neuropsychological Services at the Penn Memory Center
