Fall Research Expo 2020
Your Language My Ear
Your Language My Ear is a Russian Contemporary Poetry in Translation symposium which has occurred three times in the past 9 years, with a fourth on the way. Its had information concerning the 2011 and 2015 symposia but needed updating to include the results of the 2019 events. Researchers did this, though it is an on-going effort. Additionally, we expanded the “Resources” page of the website to include dozens more contemporary Russian poets with as much of their English bibliographies as possible. This was the bulk of the project. We also spent a few of the later weeks updating poets's Wikipedia pages in order to expand accessible knowledge and raise the profile of Your Language My Ear.
PURM - Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program
College of Arts & Sciences 2022
Advised By
Kevin M. F. Platt
PURM - Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program
College of Arts & Sciences 2022
Advised By
Kevin M. F. Platt
Interesting work!
Hi Rachel and Andrew!
I am currently learning about Japanese poetry and its various translations to English. Your poster is very interesting! Translating poetry accurately into a different language is very challenging.