Valerie Hanna

Valerie Hanna

Valerie Hanna is in her third year at the University of Pennsylvania, double-majoring in Communication –with a concentration in Audiences & Persuasion— and Psychology. She is developing a mentored research project focused on behavior change, health communication, and the underpinnings or action vs. inaction as a research assistant in The Social Action Lab. Hanna is also enrolled in a research-based course taught by Diana Mutz called Media, Public Opinion, and Globalization where students employ quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate American attitudes toward globalization.


Bachelor of Arts, 2023
College of Arts & Sciences
Valerie Hanna
How Subtasks Influence Behavior Change, Goal Desirability, & Goal Attainability

Valerie Hanna
How Subtasks Influence Behavior Change, Goal Desirability, & Goal Attainability