Alexandra Crean Cornacchia

Alexandra Crean Cornacchia

Alexandra is a senior here at Penn pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies with a concentration in Sustainability and Environmental Management as well as a double minor in Psychology and Italian. She has worked alongside various environmental organizations including PennEnvironment, Green Mountain Energy and WRISE. She co-founded the first WRISE university chapter and founded Art and Wellness, an all-inclusive art therapy club at Penn aimed at promoting creative outlets for mental health awareness.  Alexandra was a 2022 Solar Power WRISE and GRID Alternatives Fellow and is currently researching ways to strengthen workforce assistance resources for displaced fossil fuel workers to transition into clean energy jobs. Alexandra is interested in pursuing a career in the renewable energy space after she graduates. 



Bachelor of Arts, 2023
College of Arts & Sciences
Alexandra Crean Cornacchia
Strengthening Workforce Assistance Resources for Displaced Fossil Fuel Workers