Dana Raphael

Dana Raphael

Dana Raphael is a student in the College of Arts and Sciences pursuing a double-major in Neuroscience & French and Francophone Studies, and a minor in Chemistry. 


Neuroscience & French and Francophone Studies, 2022
College of Arts & Sciences
Dana Raphael
The [Re]habilitation, [Re]integration, and [Re]membrance of Holocaust Survivors in Post-World War II France
Dana Raphael
The [Re]habilitation, [Re]integration, and [Re]membrance of Holocaust Survivors in Post-World War II France
Dana Raphael
At the Crossroads of Life and Death: The Migration of Memories in Holocaust-era France from the Past to the Present. A Tribute to Holocaust Survivor Annette Muller
Dana Raphael
Microglial Cell Density and Morphology Classification in the Hippocampus of Early-Postnatal Female and Male Mice