Martha Gakunju

Martha Gakunju

I am a senior in the college studying Health and Societies with a concentration in Global Health. I am originally from Nairobi, Kenya but I currently reside in Cincinnati, Ohio. During my time at Penn, my interest in health and social equity has been fostered and that is what led me to this summer's research project. I am hoping to pursue a career that intersects these two interests and my research project enabled me to gain much-needed insight on the work that must be done to achieve equity in Kenya. In my spare time I enjoy cooking, I have been learning how to make traditional chapatis and samosas from my mother. I am always excited to connect with people eager to learn more with me about health and social equity and can be found at 


Health and Societies , 2021
College of Arts & Sciences
Martha Gakunju
Uwezo Ya Vijana - The Experience of Kenyan Youth in the 21st Century