Fall Research Expo 2021

Loss of Y chromosome in male cancer cells

This project explores sex differences in health outcomes of cancer patients by investigating loss of the Y chromosome in male cancer cells.

PURM - Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program
College of Arts & Sciences 2024
Advised By
Todd Ridky
Associate Professor of Dermatology
Join Angela for a virtual discussion
PURM - Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program
College of Arts & Sciences 2024
Advised By
Todd Ridky
Associate Professor of Dermatology


September 14 | 5:26 PM : by rbrat@upenn.edu

Y are you interested in looking at the skin?

Hey Angela! I was wondering if there could be a third variable that exists in the interaction between LOY and cancer in males. I don't have any concrete of other variables, but do you think LOY could actually be indicative or the result of something else besides cancer?

Thank you for the poster and presentation!

It seems rather frightening that cancer can be caused by genetics, and now it could result in messing up with it in return! Are the results found in melanomas and leukemias potentially applicable to other types of cancers, such as thyroid cancer or lung cancer? Why is the Y chromosome specifically targeted in males? Is there potentially an effect of cancer on the X chromosomes?Â