Fall Research Expo 2021

Biosensing With Graphene

My project was about how we can use the properties of Graphene (a single layer of carbon atoms in a lattice) to sense HIV RNA and recombinant DNA. I worked in Professor Charlie Johnson's lab in David Rittenhouse Laboratory to learn about how this nonmaterial is being applied in nanotechnology.

PURM - Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program
College of Arts & Sciences 2024
Advised By
A.T. Charlie Johnson
Professor of Physics
Olivia Dickens
Ph.D. Candidate Graduate Group in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
Join Kelly for a virtual discussion
PURM - Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program
College of Arts & Sciences 2024
Advised By
A.T. Charlie Johnson
Professor of Physics
Olivia Dickens
Ph.D. Candidate Graduate Group in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics


Great job! Your poster is very well done - super clear and organized. Also, your project is very interesting, and I was wondering how you might distinguish the HIV RNA/DNA signal from something else (like some contaminant) that might bind to the graphene? 

First, congratulations in declaring your major in Physics! Thank you so much for showing us images of what you were doing, they were super useful in understanding to methods! You mentioned having to read many research papers, did you find that reading those made it easier for you to understand what you were working hand-on with? 

What a joy to watch your video!  I really got a sense of how you spent your summer, what you accomplished, and your excitement for your field.  I can't wait to hear more about the bright future you clearly have in front of you.