Effects of Peer-Led Leadership Workshops on Perception of Leadership Skills Among Middle School Girls of Latinx Descent
The hope of my research project is to assess the effect of peer-led leadership workshops on the perception of leadership skills among middle school girls of Latinx descent in Norristown, PA. This research would be done in partnership with CCATE (Centro de Cultura Arte Trabajo y Educación), a nonprofit organization based in Norristown, PA that works to ignite social transformation developing the talents and empowering the Latinx community through education, culture, art, technology, health and science. I hope to use a survey to assess their perceptions of their own leadership skills and skills essential for an effective leader. This survey will be administered in a pre and post survey format. CCATE expressed interest in having a leadership workshop series that would run over the course of the 2022 fall semester. The pre survey would be administered before the first workshop and the post survey will be given after the last workshop. The workshops will be led by me and potentially other college volunteers who will be trained. Four main concepts of leadership – traits of a good/bad leader, public speaking, self-confidence, and problem solving – will be emphasized in the workshop series. I hope to use a qualitative case study research methodology and will conduct interviews with the participants after the final workshop about their experience and to document their takeaways.