Fall Research Expo 2022

Proud To Be Vape Free: An Instagram Campaign for LGBTQ+ Teens

This summer, I worked as an intern in the Health Communication and Equity Lab of the Annenberg School for Communication. My mentor was Professor Andy Tan, who is an Associate Professor of Communication at the Annenberg School and Director of the lab, and is focused on the role of communication science to achieve health equity, through marketing and media. I worked alongside another PURM intern, Pelumi, and closely with others on the tight-knit team. In the lab, I specifically worked on Project SMART. This 5 year grant is funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and aims to research anti-vaping social media messaging. The goal is “evaluate the effectiveness of a tailored social media intervention to prevent vaping initiation among LGBTQ youth ages 13-18 years.” The study applies qualitative research methods, ranging from elicitation surveys to zoom interviews. I largely focused on working towards creating the mock instagrams posts for the discrete choice experiment. This included doing research of past campaigns, listening/conducting focus groups, selecting variables or themes involved, and the actual design of posts and writing of captions. I have learned a variety of new skills and information over the 10 weeks. I am now more educated about the queer teen community, all the risks that come with vaping, the effectiveness of various social media posts/campaigns, and the intricacies of working on a 5 year project. I have been able to learn from everyone on the team through our collaborations on lab presentations, daily morning meetings, and more. Weekly, I was able to sit in on meetings for various projects and meet with external collaborators from University of Florida, Dana Farber, and Harvard. I am very grateful to learn from someone with as much experience in the public health communication field as Professor Tan.

PURM - Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program
College of Arts & Sciences, Annenberg
Advised By
Andy Tan
Associate Professor of Communication. Director, Health Communication & Equity Lab
PURM - Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program
College of Arts & Sciences, Annenberg
Advised By
Andy Tan
Associate Professor of Communication. Director, Health Communication & Equity Lab
