Fall Research Expo 2020

Complications of Arthroscopic Drilling in the Treatment of Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Knee

This study looked at complications rate of arthroscopic drilling of stable, intact osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) lesions. While the efficacy of this surgical treatment is well-established, there was a lack of information regarding its safety. The cohort was established through a retrospective review through the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) database.

College Alumni Society Undergraduate Research Grant
College of Arts & Sciences 2021
Advised By
J. Todd Lawrence
Join David for a virtual discussion
College Alumni Society Undergraduate Research Grant
College of Arts & Sciences 2021
Advised By
J. Todd Lawrence


Great poster! Is there any data on long-term orthopedic issues developed by patients who had OCD as children? I know with patients who undergo ACL reconstruction surgeries (which also involves drilling into bone) often end up with post-traumatic osteoarthritis. Also, is there a widely-accepted theory for why children are more affected by OCD than adults?

This was a very interesting presentation, David! I'd be interested to see an analysis of how these patients recovered knee function.